Many people are confused when it comes to essential oils, anti-aging and cosmetics in general. Rightly so, because just because the raw materials in an organic cosmetic are purchased and used to the best of our knowledge and with the highest certifications, it does not mean that the recipe is dermatologically compatible and flawless. And for many people, the compatibility of mineral oil cosmetics that are contaminated with pollutants is questionable anyway. There are anti-aging creams that warn on the packaging “do not put it close to the eyes.” These preparations are so irritating that they have no place near the eye. Doubtful whether you should even use them. You can apply MAGIC ELEMENTS to the entire face; the 3-phase series was developed for this purpose. You no longer need any other care for your face apart from gentle cleansing. Our claim to skin compatibility has now also been dermatologically confirmed.
Dermatologically tested: 3 x “very good”
Testing the compatibility of our products is very important to us. We worked together with one of the most recognized institutes in Germany, Dermatest GmbH in Münster. 30 test persons tested our products for skin compatibility under the supervision of experts such as dermatologists. The tests were all passed without any problems. We received the Dermatest seal "very good" for the 3 products in the organic anti-aging series MAGIC ELEMENTS from BEAUĒTAL. We are pleased to receive evidence of our good work. But we are even more pleased that our customers can feel safe thanks to this test certification because of the proven “very good” compatibility of our products. We have very high standards, produce in Germany and check the organic certification of our suppliers. If this effort is confirmed through tests, it will of course make the whole team a little proud.